Thursday 28 November 2013

The Junk - Clothing

I don't know about you but clothes seems to always be an issue in our house. I just can't seem to get a handle on it. Laundry getting in the hamper is not usually an issue, unless my girls decide under the bed is better than the hamper. The problem is once the clothes are washed and folded, they just don't seem to want to back in the drawers from whence they came. So they end up as piles on the floor that get knocked over and mixed up.

Then, there are the outgrown clothes. Since I have all girls I save all the still nice looking clothes to pass down the line. So, I have totes with labels of different sizes, which house the said sized clothes. Not a problem. The step that seems to be crazy is I will wash the clothes that need to be stored, and somehow instead of ending up in the tote, the end up back in the drawers. And then, I get to deal with them all over again. It seems to be a vicious cycle.

I am still coming up with a sure fire method to this clothing madness. There are some tips that have helped me. Here they are.

1. Minimize the amount of clothes

We live in a time where clothes are fairly cheap. I can buy shirts and pants for $4. As well, they are making kids clothing so darn cute that you want to buy everything you see to make your child the cutest ever.

Another problem, is that many of us don't know how many articles of clothing our children actually need, so we keep buying because we figure that they need it. My brother in-law sat down and made a list of the bare minimum his kids needed to get through the week/seasons. I have tweaked the list a little to better suit my children, but it is nice to have a starting point. The following list is for girls, but it will give you an idea of what you need and should be fairly easy to change to make it work for boys.

  • 1 Snow Suit
  • 1 Spring/Fall Jacket
  • 1 Rain Coat
  • 1 pair Winter Boots
  • 1 pair Rain Boots
  • 4 Shoes/Sandals (this include running shoes, and dress shoes)
  • 2 Winter Hats
  • 2 Mittens
  • 2 Summer Hats
  • 2 Bathing Suits
  • 1 pair Sunglasses
  • 7 T-shirts
  • 2 Sweaters
  • 7 Long sleeved shirts
  • 1 Nice White Shirt
  • 5 Pants
  • 4 Skirts/Dresses
  • 5 Shorts/Capris
  • 8 Socks
  • 8 Underwear
  • 3 Tights
  • 3 Warm Pyjamas
  • 3 Cool Pyjamas
This doesn't mean that you can't have more clothing, but hopefully this will help you avoid buying clothes unnecessarily.

2. Don't store totes in children's room

Part of my clothing in tote problem is that sometimes the totes are in the girls' closets. It is nice to have them close to where they will be needed, but at the same time, you can open them and not close them properly, or you might just place the clothes on top instead of putting them actually in the tote, or the kids are napping and you don't want to disturb them so you end up not putting the clothes in the totes at all.

It is much easier to keep the totes in the garage or other storage area that is independent of the children's room. That way they are still easy to access, but they are not dependent on the rooms being unoccupied. Also you will actually lift the lid and put the clothes in the tote as you don't want clothes randomly floating around with power tools.

3. Help children put away clothes or at least be in the room with them

You may not have to do this with older children, or teenagers, but with younger children it is essential. I know that my 6 year old can open the drawers of her dresser herself and that she knows which drawer each different item goes in. But, if she had a choice between putting her clothes away and playing with her toys or coming up with a cool game with her sister, well I think we all know what she will do.

By being in the room you can encourage, help if needed, and make sure they haven't missed anything, before the playing starts. You may think that there are other household chores you could be doing at that moment, since it seems redundant to be sitting there but, if you don't want to have to deal with THE JUNK that is clothing, it is worth the five minutes.

So hopefully some of these tips will help you tackle THE JUNK of clothing. I am still working on other ways to keep the clothing at bay. If you have any tips or insights let me know!


  1. Raising six kids, whenever my mom noticed we were wearing something too small, or if we told her it was too small, she'd put a safety pin through the tag. Then, later when sorting clean laundry, she'd just check the tags for pins and set the pinned clothes aside to put into storage. This meant she could wash the clothes for storage with the regular laundry, but not have to remember what to sort out of rotation. This was especially important when clothes were on their third or fourth rotation of wear.

    1. That is such a great idea! I will definitely be doing that! Thanks for great tip!
