Thursday 7 November 2013

The Junk - A Series

Some people get drawn to the simple life because it promises a life of less stress, less clutter and more meaning. There is not excess. Things are bought with a purpose in mind. Things are kept because they serve a purpose.

Right now I feel like I am drowning in clutter. Perhaps drowning is a bit over the top. You will not find our house on a hoarders episode. However, the clutter that is around the house makes me feel stressed and not happy. If your belongings are not adding to your happiness, then what is the point of them. (I am talking about the extra things that you don't really need, not about the stove or sink, those are necessities and if they are not bringing you happiness then that is another issue all together.)

For me, I don't want to go completely minimalist. I just want less junk in the house. I want what is in my house to have a purpose and be beautiful. If I want to sew things at my sewing machine I don't want to have to move piles in order to do it. I don't want to have to move things around to set the table for dinner. When it gets to that point you are not happy. The stuff is becoming a barrier for you to be able to do the things that interest you and that you enjoy. If you have to move stuff out of the way to sew are you likely going to sew? I am guessing the answer is, no.

Over the next few weeks I will have a series of blogs that relate to "the junk". It will deal with things that create clutter or is clutter. The posts will commiserate with you as well as give you hints on what to do or how to manage things differently.

I came to this idea, because I am ready to pare down and get rid of the stuff that is preventing me from doing what I would love to do. Before I was giving myself excuses, "you just had a baby" or "wait until you have money for more organizing materials" or "I don't know where to begin". Well no more. My husband and I had a powwow session and decided that we need to be adults and just do it. Make the goals have the follow through and just do it. So we are doing it.

I am by no means an expert, but hopefully by writing my experience as I go through my stuff it will help you as well. It will definitely help motivate me.

So de-clutter "the junk" from your life. What tips do you have? Is there a room in your house you are loathe to go through?

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