Thursday 9 January 2014

Vinegar, you are awesome!

Over the holidays my normal chore routine did not happen. There were way more fun things to do then clean a bathtub or toilet bowl. This week I had my work cut out for me. As I was cleaning the bathroom it reminded me how awesome vinegar is. I use vinegar to clean just about everything. It is so amazing, things get so clean, and there are no harsh chemicals on my surfaces.

I know there are different recipes that others make when using vinegar as a cleaner but, I prefer to keep it simple. I get a spray bottle and do a 1:1 ratio of water and vinegar. Voila, done. I use this cleaner for my bathroom surfaces, I use it as my floor cleaner. I use it on my counters in the kitchen. I basically use it on anything. Even the mirrors.

For my toilet I pour in some vinegar. (I used to measure a cup, now I just pour until I think I have enough.) then I sprinkle in some baking soda. A minor eruption occurs as I scrub, but man does that toilet ever look sparkling.

I know that the initial smell can make your home smell like a pickling plant, but the smell soon dissipates and leaves your home surprisingly odor free. In fact a bowl full of vinegar set out is a great deodorizer.

Vinegar is acidic so you shouldn't use it on any marble surfaces or other types of material that reacts with acid. If in doubt test on a small area of the surface you want to clean, just to make sure there will be no adverse affects.

I like using vinegar because I know that there are no chemicals left on the surfaces that my kids are going to be touching. As well, I don't have to worry about them getting into my cleaners because it is just vinegar. If they drank that, well they wouldn't want to drink it again. I love the taste of vinegar, but not straight up.

Not only is using vinegar a great substitute for other dangerous household chemicals, it is good on the pocket book too. I can buy 4 litres for $1.99, sometimes even less. Once I dilute it I can have 8 litres of cleaning product, that cleans everything, for $1.99. That is awesome.

I am always pleasantly amazed when I find a new use for vinegar. It is definitely an all-rounder, something that can be used for anything. From fries, to toilets. Amazing. How do you use vinegar? Are their any other green cleaners that you have in your cleaning arsenal?


  1. I am a big fan of vinegar as well. Vinegar is lovely for getting toothpaste stains out, too!

  2. "pickling plant"! You're hilarious! I love vinegar too. Especially for our hard water in Waterloo!! ;)
