Thursday 27 March 2014

THE JUNK 'Tis the Season to get Organized Finally!

Well it is starting to look like spring outside. There is still lots of snow. And the temperatures aren't quite as warm as they could be. But, I see grass in my front yard. The sun feels warm. And it is not -30. The temperature is steadily climbing today and is supposed to continue to climb overnight. That makes me super excited, windchill and all.

With all this Spring feeling organizing fever has over come me. Now is the time for me to get organized and I'm really excited about it. It is also frustrating too as the rest of the family hasn't caught it yet. But I'm sure they will and I'm sure we will all be happy about that, right?

The first room that I tackled was my older children's room. I had been meaning to do it for awhile but, I'm discovering that a one year old and trying to go through stuff is not a good combination. So things are going a bit slow and that makes me feel ancy and that I'm not going to accomplish anything! Luckily, during the March Break my husband took the day off and took all three kiddos to the museum and I went to town on their room, finishing it off later that week.

 So as you can see before and after. What a difference. Now the kids actually know where their toys are supposed to go. I finally know where the toys are supposed to go. And the best part. It has been about two weeks now and their room still looks neat! Amazing. It is also amazing what a bag of recycling and give away will do to make a room look nice. My next project is to get the office downstairs looking nice. More pictures of that to come.

What do you do when you get in the organizing mood? Do you have any tips of the trade to make it easier?

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