Thursday 21 August 2014

THE JUNK - Cleaning Out the Front Closet

 I hate tidying. I would much rather be reading my book or doing something fun with the kids. Yet, I do want a tidy home and often have feelings of being overwhelmed when I look around my house and see the huge task that is decluttering. The yard sale we had in June helped get my declutter juices flowing, but there is still so much to do.

Well, today I did something totally amazing. I cleaned out the bottom of my front closet. Now, I can hear what you are saying. What's the big deal, it's just the bottom section of a closet. But to me it is like reaching the summit of Mount Everest. It is like breaking the glass ceiling of tidying. Let me explain.

We bought our home a little over two years ago. As organized as I tried to be with the move we still inevitably had boxes that we just plunked down in our garage, or front closet. For two years I kept saying, "man we should really clean out that front closet". We would start, but only get half way through and never finish. Or more things would get added to the junk in the closet when we had to do our "emergency clean ups". My husband is the master of making a room look amazingly tidy, but what I am realizing is that really it is not a talent of dealing with the clutter once and for all. It is more a talent of hiding it. So the closets get full and then the junk ends up flowing back into the room and we are back to square one. Messy room, messy closet. But, when I am in a tidying dilemma and guests are on the way over I use his master hiding of junk skills to the max. His talents never cease to amaze me.

So with this closet being the home of tidying ups of the past it was getting ridiculous. This week I was feeling so grouchy and crazy about the whole mess of our house etc. that I decided to take the bull by the horns and get rid of the junk in that closet once and for all. I hope seeing the results of this closet, will help give me the motivation for the rest of the house. There are things I want to do in life and being a curator of junk is not one of them. I want to live for myself not for my junk. Now I just need to convince my husband that this closet is a no junk hiding zone. Maybe I should make a sign.

after (and a lot of things in the give away bag and the garbage bag)
So I've done it. I have broken the junk funk, of the front closet at least. Hmmm. What should my next target be?

Do you have a closet or drawer or room in your house that you keep putting off? Why do you put it off? And if you have actually dealt with it did it help with your motivation to keep going?

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